J. Oates Portrait Design Selects New, Optimal Location

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/23/2019 - 08:09
J Oates Photography opens new location in Boise

The Situation: Rebranded company seeks greater exposure

  • After calling on one of JP Green’s listed properties, the owner of J.Oates Portrait Design expressed interest in engaging JP as a tenant rep in the company’s search for a high visibility retail location.
  • As a result of an extensive rebranding initiative, J.Oates was seeking to expand the physical size of their studio while also garnering critical exposure for their new brand which was strategically positioned as a high-end professional portrait studio.

Our Response: Analyze data and select an optimal site

  • Working closely with Thornton Oliver Keller’s Research team, JP executed an exhaustive site selection search for sites which fit the J. Oates criteria.
  • JP helped J. Oates narrow down the potential options (evaluating demographics, traffic counts and proximity to complimentary retailers), and assisted in the selection of the Jewel Building, ideally located near the Boise Towne Square Mall.

The Results: Expanded space with exceptional visibility

  • Once the location was identified JP pushed the transaction forward quickly working through the LOI and lease negotiations in under a week. The accelerated negotiations netted J.Oates a generous TI allowance and provided J. Oates with the resources they needed to make the space fit their needs.
  • J. Oates is now open and the business has benefitted from a space that reflects their premier brand with maximum visibility at the signalized intersection of Cole Road and Emerald Street.

Client Recommendation:

“JP Green was spectacular! Positioning our business was more important than the deal. Knowing that was very reassuring and helped us move forward rapidly.”
Jerry Oates, Owner | J. Oates Portrait Design


Five Locations to Serve You

Boise Office
250 S 5th Street, 2nd Floor
Boise, Idaho 83702
Main Phone: 208.378.4600

Nampa Office
16150 N. High Desert Street, Suite 200
Nampa, Idaho 83687
Main Phone: 208.378.4600

Twin Falls Office
195 River Vista Place, Suite 204
Twin Falls, Idaho 83301
Main Phone: 208.944.9694

Idaho Falls Office
1135 Pier View Drive, Suite 120
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
Main Phone: 208.227.8148

Coeur d'Alene Office
3322 N. Grandmill Lane
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814
Main Phone: 208.449.1908